Sunday, October 28, 2012

a drunk tank is just a think tank with more b.o.

the sun peeks through the trees like harsh fluorescent light through stainless steel bars.
its morning.
there is a voice in the air.
 it belongs to a blind hyrax with no mouth.
his voice is the wind.
i dont know how he accomplishes it but he is telling me of mans latest invention.
he tells me of a man from Nantucket flying a childs toy with the key to his liquor cabinet attached and with this contraption he harnesses the power from the heavens...

(The tree hyrax is a small nocturnal mammal that is distantly related to elephants and sea cows. They have 4-toed front feet and 3-toed back feet with rounded nails, and rubbery soles that help them climb)

(im still trying to find the chapter on their infatuation with human flesh)

.........sounds like bullshit to me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

time of death...... 12:04 pm

today i realized i'm not going to live forever,
the illusion is gone.
muscle deteriorates and atrophies with time.
chemicals finally start eating away at the fortifications you knew as a child.
i feel like i should say some words to ease its passing but it would fall on deaf ears
for all those i choose to surround myself with are also blindly subscribing to the same ideals i just now saw through.
they are still immortal.
its bitter sweet because i'm tired
but the thought of the comfy chair,
the warm blanket
and my stories sound so dull.
i had a good run
and i showed them who's boss on more than one occasion
but i don't know if i've got it in me anymore.
a long winter is coming
i hope the provisions i've stocked and buried in the ground will last till the bitter end.

or until the next relapse into a long forgotten era.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

chop chop chop. tree gonna fall down.

i feel it coming on, slowing seeping in as the shadows grow longer in the day, seclusion. its a different kind of seclusion though, one that modern science cant achieve. i want to run to a different time, where things were simpler. where i'm not stunted by the heavy dependencies and limitations of today's day and age. where expectations aren't so high and you can appreciate all the beauty and simplicity that we take for granted in these great steel and concrete cages we've built around ourselves. i want to live like i earned the roof over my head and the clothes on my back, i want the satisfaction of knowing the material things that i treasure in my life we're produced through my own blood and sweat and if these things fail then i will learn from my mistakes and will know better next time. i want to provide for myself, but only the things needed for survival. comfort is a plague of this world, we've grown so accustomed to it not even thinking if we deserve these things that stunt our growth as a species. we want what we don't have but not what we need. all i want is to live an honest life and at the end of the day feel blessed that i have a sunset on the horizon and nowhere else to be. true freedom with no worries.