Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mary Poppins got game...

I love this picture. It's candid pictures like these that make me think that back then was just like now. It's human nature to chase fun, guys scamming on girls, girls pretending they don't love it.  The pursuit of happiness is written in our DNA. This just makes me imagine Dick Van Dyke and Julie Andrew out at a bar on a Saturday night getting into all the trouble that we seem to find ourselves wrapped up in.
I would scam on Julie Andrews like crazy...

Wake up and write it down 1.1

It started out in the lobby. You, me and the general other riff raff. The kind of folks that pass easily from the system but when in eye shot its like a punch in the face from a prize fighter wearing his best brightly colored tutu. Spirits are high and also bountiful. There is a shimmer in the air, a charge, its a feeling that at that moment in time this is the only place to be. We were born for it and once the moment passes we will all just cease to exist. There is a line but no one seems to know what for. It's like a parade of tranquilizer soaked Gila monsters Eskimo kissing as if the war depended on it. Thats it! The war. What war? Fuck if I know but ill be God damned if we aren't going to be on the winning side. The men stand around the TVs with their ties loosened, slapping each others backs exclaiming to each other "I told you so, didn't I tell you so" the whole "good game" mentality sickens me so I chase a different scene, one where I don't feel like I'm in a forest of giant dinosaurs being hunted for sport. As I about face the horrors of the lobby might as well have never happened. I'm in a forest and I have a friend. We are in his house, it can't be sanitary to live like this. He shares a bathroom, its like a high school gym bathroom, it includes showers. There is always a few light bulbs out and there is always a puddle in the shower, I'm not sure how I know these thing because I've never been here before. Maybe to others like it. There is a feeling of something wrong the light sits funny, has a weight to it. The shadows hold secrets. I try to find a way out but all I find is stalls and showers, then more burnt out light bulbs. Panic slowly seeps in and it all fades to black...

A swing and a swing...

I perused an old friends blog tonight. Why does everyone else's work make you feel like yours is crap.

God I hope I'm as clever as I think I am....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

This village is damned. Saves yourselves, I beg you, save yourselves.

The sky opened up tonight. Cracked bleeding lips whispering insignificant breaths in between a deep starry void. The complex equation that is the cosmos ransacking its way through my delicate neural passageways doing more harm than good. Let's just pray for all our sakes that when I wake up and the toxins have passed through my system that I still hold the answer.

Please still hold the answer...


I'm afraid to write down what I feel for fear of the monster that will look back up at me.